Higher Tremarcoombe Pipewell Project

Higher Tremarcoombe Pipewell ProjectToyz Pond was once the source for the water supply for the whole length of Tremarcoombe, the water being gravity fed through pipes which were used until South West Water took over the supply in the 1950s.

The well was used up until this time to provide water for the local residents, many of whom still live in the area, and one remembers collecting water from the well to deliver to houses in the neighbourhood.

Pond in winterDuring the last 20 years the area has become somewhat overgrown, particularly since the foot and mouth epidemic in 2001. The total absence of grazing animals since that time has meant the encroachment of bracken, gorse, bramble and willow has made the grazing land of little value. The pond began to silt up and this was exacerbated by the presence of flag irises which encouraged even more silting and in recent years the whole area has been invaded by Himalayan Balsam.

We feel that valuable heritage is being eroded and obscured, and some residents who have recently arrived in the area do not realise the value of the site or the fact that dumping of garden waste on common land is an offence. Once the area has been restored and the well is clearly visible and accessible, cattle and sheep will be able to graze the area which will keep it clear for the future, and with education all residents will appreciate and value the area and help to keep it tidy.

The project therefore will be a valuable means to ensure a sustainable future for Higher Tremarcoombe and its historic well and pond.

More images of this project can be found in our gallery section

Work starts

Following the grant being confirmed at the end of January 2011 and also receipt of cashflow funding in the form of a £6,000 loan (to be repaid at the end of the project) from Cornwall Development Company we started our project by commissioning this website and the Ecological Survey. We also met with the Environment Agency to further explain our plan of action. We bought the tools and equipment we felt we were going to need for the manual aspects of our programme.

We held an Opening event for the residents of St Cleer Parish on 19th February at the Sportsfield, where we signed up interested people as volunteers to provide a workforce.

Bob Stockhausen began his survey work on the bird population of the project area, firstly with the winter residents and visitors and later with a survey of the breeding birds.

On the afternoon of 16th May the whole of Darite School came to visit the project. They walked down in pleasant weather and in 5 groups visited the well site, the streams which run in different directions across the site, went to discover about birds with Bob Stockhausen, and talked to the Ecologist, Jessica Hutchinson who showed them Slow worms. It was a new experience for us to have them visit and they made us a beautiful 'Thank you' card in appreciation. They have asked to be involved as the project proceeds and we are very pleased to have their nterest.

We have learned that we do not have any dormice in the project area. This is probably due to the high number of cats which are kept as pets by local residents and the use of the area by dog walkers. We do however have Roe Deer we have found their trcks and members of the group have been priviledged to see them.

Higher Tremarcoombe Pipewell Project – Aims and Objectives

Our mission is -To enable easy access to and sustainable management of the historic pipewell at Higher Tremarcoombe and its environs.

Aim 1 To obtain funding to enable the project
Objective 1.1 To write a comprehensive business plan by end September 2010
Objective 1.2 To submit successful bids by December 2010

Aim 2 To investigate the biodiversity of the site and the constraints this imposes
Objective 2.1 To undertake or commission a biodiversity survey of the site by end January 2011
Objective 2.2 To understand constraints imposed by the requirements of fauna and flora.
Objective 2.3 To plan the work programme to accommodate those requirements by mid February 2011

Aim 3 To clear the area of fly-tipped rubbish and dumped soil and discourage such practices for the future
Objective 3.1 Scrub clearance to enable better access to the site before end March 2011
Objective 3.2 Mechanical and manual removal of rubbish and soil by end April 2011

Aim 4 To clean out the well and ensure free flow of water
Objective 4.1 To clear exit pipes down to the discharge into the pond by June 2011
Objective 4.2 To clean out the well chamber and ensure water is flowing freely both in and out by August 2011

Aim 5 To improve access and management in the area of the well and the pond downstream
Objective 5.1 To clear scrub from upstream of the well site and from the area of the pond it discharges to by August 2011for stage 1 and August 2012 for stage 2.
Objective 5.2 To encourage the grazing by livestock in adequate and sustainable numbers to control regrowth by end of 2011.

Aim 6 To engage as many of the community as possible in these activities
Objective 6.1 To publicise the project through the Granite Post and during events to engage the wider population
Objective 6.3 To build partnerships with
The Commoners whose animals can graze the area
The Manor of Roscraddoc who own the land
The Parish Council
The residents of the Parish and other organisations to be involved in both the manual work and the recording and preparation of information
Local History Groups to research and prepare an interpretation leaflet recording the history of the site and its restoration
Local wildlife groups record all flora and fauna and make their findings available to all.
The Caradon Hill Area Heritage Project for advice and collaboration to develop a schools resource to ensure maximum local benefit and aid development of future site management skills within the community

Aim 7 To record all information and make available both in a form aimed at schools to enable their use of the area for both natural history and heritage study and for the wider public
Objective 7.1 To record the many water flows in the area electronically to enable understanding and easier management.
Objective 7.2 To record the biodiversity of the area.
Objective 7.3 To record the progress and process of the project
Objective 7.4 To commission a website to record all the activities of the Project Group
Objective 7.5 To make the records available electronically to all who wish to be informed via the website.



Click here to download 2011 Pipe Well Common Bird Survey and Species Maps

Click here to download 2011 Pipe Well Vascular Plant Survey

Click here to download 2011 Pipe Well Dormouse Survey

Click here to download 2011 Badger Survey

Click here to download 2012 Pipe Well Common Bird Survey and Species Maps

Click here to download 2012 Pipe Well Bird Survey Report

Click here to download 2013 Pipe Well Bird Survey Report

Click here to download 2013 Pipe Well Common Bird Survey and Species Maps

Click here to download 2014 Pipe Well Bird Survey Report

Click here to download 2014 Pipe Well Common Bird Survey and Species Maps




East Cornwall Local Action Group